April 22, 2013


First things first: gezellig is pronounced heh-zell-ick (you can practice here).
And secondly: what do you MEAN by gezellig!?

The Dutch say "gezellig" is untranslatable into English...    but, this is gezellig:

Gezellig is comfortable.

Gezellig is bright.

Gezellig is quaint and cozy.

Gezellig is gracious and hospitable.

Gezellig is social: a great night with friends and family over a delicious meal (perhaps of grilled cheese sandwiches).

Gezellig is general togetherness.

Gezellig is belonging.

I'll be honest: I've heard Dutch relatives describe something as gezellig and never thought much of it until recently. Then something clicked and I realized gezellig is what home should be. Inviting, cheerful, a comfortable and awesome space to call your own.

While I don't exactly have a niche area to blog about (yet), I hope to make this a blog chock full of cheap thrills: thrift store treasures, DIY attempts and other domestic adventures.
Basically, inexpensive ways to make your home more gezellig.

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